* Our Mission Statement* The Mission of the Venetia Heritage Society (VHS) is to preserve the former Venetia Grade School through transformative use of the facility as a center for service to people of all ages in the surrounding community. The VHS also strives to increase awareness and educate the public about local history and its significance to the area.
*Our Vision* Preserving the past, servicing the present, transforming the future in our community ***********
The Annual Spring Crafts Show will be held April 26, 2025! The show provides funding to help maintain this historic building. If you are a crafter and would like to participate, please visit our Community Center Currents page to obtain information and forms. Welcome to the website for the Venetia Heritage Society!Our non-profit organization was formed in 1997 to preserve the former Venetia Elementary School that was built in 1926. The school was purchased by the society from the Peters Township School District in the mid 1990's. The school is now known as the Venetia Community Center. The Center serves as a meeting place for various non-profit organizations. We hope that our website will keep all those who have an interest in preserving this school informed about Peters Township's historical treasure.
The Venetia Heritage Society is comprised of members who support the preservation and continued use of the former Venetia School in Peters Township. Dedicated volunteers help to keep the building open for people to visit and to use this historical building.
Membership in the Venetia Heritage Society is open to all persons interested in preserving this historic structure. Many of our members are former students and staff, as well as area residents. If you would like to become a supporting member of the VHS, click here.
Local businesses , organizations and interested individuals support the VHS through their generous donations. These donations help to cover maintenance and repair costs, as well as utilities, insurance, and general operating costs. An Honor Roll of Donors is provided on our website to recognize the valuable contributions of our donors.
The Venetia Heritage Society is also proud to be a member of the Peters Township Chamber of Commerce. The Community Center has hosted several PTCC luncheons.
Currently an all volunteer Executive Board helps to oversee the daily operations of the Venetia Community Center. These officers ensure that the Community Center is maintained and kept safe, as well as ensuring that all regulations for the center's operations are followed. The Board also solicits funding and conducts an annual membership drive The continuing effort and active Board participation of these individuals is sincerely appreciated. The Venetia Heritage Society invites persons interested in serving on our Executive Board to obtain a membership. If you would like to know more , please email us at [email protected].
The VHS Executive Board meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Community Center at 6:00 PM. The Venetia Community Center is located at 800 Venetia Road Venetia, PA 15367. Our mailing address is: Venetia Heritage Society, Box 29 , Venetia, PA 15367